MS Graduate Research Assistantship for Osprey Conservation and Ecology, University of Illinois Springfield, USA

An MS-level Graduate Research Assistantship is available for participating in research and conservation of osprey, currently a state-threatened species, in Illinois. The Graduate Research Assistantship will be for two years with a 16 August 2024 start date. The assistantship will provide tuition waiver, stipends for the spring and fall semesters, summer income as a field technician, and research support. The selected student will assist with an osprey re-establishment project in central Illinois that involves field work, with a MS thesis project addressing either population viability analysis for recovery or osprey migration strategies and movement ecology.
The successful candidate must have the following qualifications:
1. Background in ecology and conservation.
2. Strong writing skills and quantitative skills.
3. Coursework and extensive use of GIS and statistics.
4. High academic performance.
5. Experience or interest working with raptors.
6. Endurance for long field season.
7. Strong work ethic and keen attention to detail.
Interested applicants should send the following (via email) to Dr. Tih-Fen Ting at as soon as possible, no later than 22 April 2024. Review of applications will start immediately, until the position is filled.
1. Cover letter addressing background, extent of qualifications, and research interest.
2. Resume including contact information for three references.
3. Transcripts (unofficial or scanned copy acceptable).
Suitable candidates will be encouraged to submit a formal application to the Graduate Assistantships program. Please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have questions.
Tih-Fen Ting, Ph.D.
Director, School of Integrated Sciences, Sustainability, and Public Health
Acting Program Lead, Environmental Studies
College of Health, Science, and Technology
University of Illinois | Springfield
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 206-7876

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