Fully funded PhD position in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston, USA

The Climate Dynamics and Modeling lab at the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston (https://uh.edu/nsm/earth-atmospheric) is seeking a PhD student to work on tropical climate dynamics and/or regional hydroclimate. Potential research topics include atmosphere-ocean interactions, El Nino dynamics and modeling, tropics-extratropics teleconnections and regional precipitation changes. The student will be advised by Dr. Honghai Zhang. The position is fully funded with either teaching or research fellowship.


B.S. or M.S. degree in math, physics, atmospheric sciences, engineering or relevant fields, with adept knowledge in calculus, partial differential equations, etc.

  • Programming experience: skills in Python, MATLAB, R, Fortran or other similar languages are preferred, but not required

Strong self-motivation and enthusiasm for climate research

Interested candidates should send your CV, one-page statement of research interests and copies of transcripts to hzhang83@central.uh.edu. Qualified candidates will be selected for interviews. The position will remain open until filled.

Climate Dynamics and Modeling

Extratropical Regional Hydroclimate droughts, floods, heat waves, etc.

Tropical Climate Dynamics atmosphere-ocean coupling, El Niño phenomena, ITCZ dynamics, numerical modeling, etc.

Extratropical Regional Hydroclimate droughts, floods, heat waves, etc.


*Following is the full advertisement image provided.


Feature photo credit: Wikipedia

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