Graduate Research Assistant Position in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, North Dakota State University, USA

Key Requirements:

1) Field Robotics & Drone for Agriculture

2) Mechatronics

3) GIS & Satellite Remote Sensing

4) Mastery in Programming: programming prowess in Python

5) Image processing

6) Machine Learning Applications

7) Independence and Initiative: an independent and self-initiative working attitude

8) Well-organized working attitude

9) English Language Proficiency (if applicable): TOEFL/IELTS scores.

To get this incredible opportunity, submit your application files to with the subject line: “Applicant for Field Robotics – Spring 2025″

Ensure your one-page essay (attached to your email) includes the following:

– Clearly Define Your Research Interests: Specify the thematic area(s) that shows your passion.

– Highlight Your Research Journey: summarize your prior research and modeling experiences related to this research project.

– Connect Your Competencies: Articulate why your unique skills align perfectly with your chosen domain.


Two-page Comprehensive C.V.: Attach a detailed Curriculum Vitae encompassing your undergraduate and graduate GPAs, practical experiences, any relevant publications (if available), and contact details of three references.

Your conference participation and publication costs will be covered by my research grants.

Applications are accepted until filled. Zoom Interviews will start on June 13.

Don’t miss out on this chance to redefine the future of technology and innovation. Apply today and be part of something extraordinary. Thank you for considering this exciting opportunity!


Feature photo credit: Wikipedia

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