Multiple research assistantship positions in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Missouri (Columbia), USA

Multiple RA positions are available at the Cyber-Physical Power and Energy Systems (CPPES) lab in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Missouri (Columbia). The students are expected to study on one or more of the following areas/tracks:

Track 1: Cybersecurity: Malware Security, Zero-Trust Security, Blockchain, Security Assessment (including Ethical Hacking);

Track 2: Al and Qauntum Intelligence: Thrustworthy and Efficient Al, Quantum Al, Optimization, and Simulation, and Generative Al;

Track 3: Cyber-Informed Power Electronics: Smart Inverter, Controller security, Hardware security, and Diagnosis;

Track 4: Grid Innovation: Smart Grid Device Security, Grid Network and Control Platform Innovation, and Security and Resilience Management System.

If you want to apply for the opening, you are encouraged to email me at with a copy of your resume/ CV including education background, a list of major courses and grades, overall GPA, relevant research/working experience, relevant publications, GRE score (optional), TOEFL score (for international student). In your email, please use “Name Research Area Position – Your Name” as the subject.

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