Exciting Opportunity for Senior Technical Staff (Higher Scientific Officer) at the University of Oxford to Support Single-Molecule Studies of Eukaryotic Replication

Join our New Lab at the University of Oxford to Support Our Single-Molecule Studies of Eukaryotic Replication!

Are you ready to embark on a scientific mission to understand DNA replication at the single-molecule level? We are seeking a highly competent and enthusiastic Senior Technical Staff member (Higher Scientific Officer) to join the Nynke Dekker Lab, arriving at the University of Oxford this summer. The group will be located at the state-of-the-art Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery and is renowned for developing single-molecule techniques (McCluskey Optics Express 2021; Liu ACS Photonics 2024) and applying them to the study of DNA and RNA replication (Sánchez Nat Commun 2021; Vanissen Mol Cell 2021; Ramírez Montero Nat Commun 2023; Sánchez Nat Commun 2023).

Understanding DNA replication is crucial because during our lifetimes, we copy approximately a lightyear’s worth of DNA. How the different components of the molecular machinery (the replisome) work together to achieve this successfully is an area of highly active research. In our lab, we take on the exciting challenge of understanding the dynamics of DNA replication by studying the activity of the eukaryotic replisome at the single-molecule level on both bare DNA and chromatin. This challenge represents an interdisciplinary team effort that brings together biologists, biophysicists, biochemists, and data scientists within the group. This research, conducted in collaboration with the University of Oxford, the Francis Crick Institute, the Hubrecht Institute, and other partners, aims to lead to new discoveries and insights that enhance our quantitative understanding of DNA replication and advance this exciting field while contributing to the next generation of in vitro single-molecule methods.

Position Overview

In this 2-year post (with possible extension), you will support the lab’s research by spearheading and organizing its molecular biology and biochemical aspects. Your responsibilities will include:

  • Performing cell culture for protein expression and maintenance of cell lines as necessary.
  • Expressing and purifying proteins.
  • Designing and implementing protein labeling strategies.
  • Conducting molecular biology and biochemical experiments on DNA and RNA replication to support ongoing single-molecule experiments.
  • Designing and synthesizing DNA or RNA constructs for single-molecule experiments.
  • Developing, establishing, and pursuing appropriate analytical protocols and techniques to support research.
  • Maintaining accurate records of experiments and reagents to ensure reproducibility.
  • Developing research questions and/or novel technical approaches.
  • Analyzing detailed and complex qualitative and/or quantitative data from various sources.
  • Maintaining clear task objectives and organizing accordingly.
  • Coaching other members of the group on specialist methodologies or procedures and delegating work where appropriate.

You will produce high-quality work suitable for publication in high-impact journals, contribute to writing research articles for peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and reviews, and assist in raising research funds through grant applications. You will be invited to attend international conferences and contribute to the presentation of posters and papers, engaging as a collaborative research partner both within the lab and externally as required.

Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidate should possess:

  • A PhD in biochemistry or a closely related field, followed by postdoctoral experience.
  • Strong skills and interest in DNA/RNA-protein interactions, DNA/RNA replication, and protein biochemistry, particularly protein purification.
  • A willingness to support the overall group research effort.
  • Strong interpersonal communication skills.

In this way, the ideal candidate will help to establish and support a scientifically outstanding and warmly communicative interdisciplinary team at the University of Oxford.

Application Details

Apply by noon on 15 June 2024. For any inquiries, please email Prof. Nynke Dekker at nynke.dekker@physics.ox.ac.uk . We look forward to hearing from you!


Feature photo credit: Wikipedia

If you have any inquiries or concerns about the content posted on our website, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email (info.gradassistantship@gmail.com).


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