Assistantship Posts

Exciting PhD Opportunity in the Broad Area of Learning-Enabled Control for Complex Systems at the University of Houston, USA

Multiple positions in the broad area of Learning-Enabled Control for Complex Systems Job description At the Advanced Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Control laboratory our objective is to design...

Unique Opportunity to Pursue a PhD in Genetics and Biochemistry at Clemson University

The use of single-cell RNA sequencing (ScRNA-seq) or snRNA-seq has shed light on the transcriptomic heterogeneity within plants and other systems, unveiling shared and distinctive signatures that...

PhD Student Position in Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology at Clemson University

While extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) is widespread in the plant kingdom, their identification, as well as their functions in plant stress biology, remain not fully understood (Mohan et al...

PhD Program in Genetics and Biochemistry Available at Clemson University, USA

In plant-pathogen tug-of-war, pathogens deploy a wide range of molecules to suppress plant immune systems as well as alter plant physiology for their benefit. Recent evidence suggests that pathogens...

PhD Position in Advanced Sensing Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture at The University of Missouri, USA

The University of Missouri, Columbia, seeks a Ph.D. candidate to focus on innovative proximal and remote sensing technologies for crop biomass and soil studies. The successful applicant will integrate...

Tuition Waiver Posts

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