Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistant two positions available at the USGS Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Wyoming

The Chalfoun lab at the USGS Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Department of Zoology and Physiology/Program in Ecology and Evolution is seeking two doctoral Graduate Research Assistants for fall 2024. One position will focus on sagebrush-obligate songbirds, while the other will investigate the mechanisms behind declines in western forest songbirds. The students will be involved in the Coop Unit, campus-wide doctoral Program in Ecology and Evolution, and the new WYOBIRD initiative. The sagebrush songbird project involves studying populations of sagebrush-obligates and their nesting behavior in areas impacted by natural gas development, in collaboration with the USGS Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative and Wyoming Game and Fish Department. The forest songbird project will analyze existing data to understand factors contributing to declines in western forest songbirds, with potential for fieldwork and collaboration with various organizations including the U.S. Forest Service and Wyoming Game and Fish Department.‐lab/;;

Application Deadline: Open until positions filled.
Starting date: Approximately 8/26/24
Stipend: $26,400 ($2200/month), plus tuition, fees, health insurance
Location: Laramie, WY USA

Minimum Requirements/Qualifications:

1. B.S. or B.A. in wildlife, biology, ecology, statistics, or a related field.
2. Strong quantitative skills (especially forest songbird position).
3. Some relevant field research experience.
4. Commitment to maintaining an inclusive and respectful work environment.
5. Commitment to dissemination of research results via publication in peer‐reviewed journals
and presentations at conferences and to project partners.
6. Strong work ethic and ability to work well independently and collaboratively.
7. Strong interest in research, avian ecology, and wildlife conservation.
8. Ability and willingness to communicate respectfully with project partners and other

Highly Desirable Qualifications:
1. M.S. degree in wildlife, biology, ecology, statistics, or a related field.
2. Experience with trend and/or spatial analyses in R or similar and working with large
datasets (forest songbird position).
3. Record of at least one peer‐reviewed scientific publication.
4. Experience with capture, safe handling, and marking of small birds.
5. Strong writing skills.

To Apply:
Please email (1) a cover letter outlining interests and qualifications, (2) an up‐to‐date CV, and (3) names and contact information (phone and email) for three potential professional references, aggregated in a single pdf document to: Dr. Anna Chalfoun, Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until qualified candidates are identified. Please address any questions to Dr. Anna Chalfoun at


*Following is the full advertisement PDF file provided.

University of Wyoming


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