PhD Opportunity in Medicinal Chemistry at CNRS, CBMN, University of Bordeaux, France

PhD Researcher in Medicinal Chemistry M/W: Design of smart sustained-release drug delivery systems: synthesis, characterization and applications in nano-medicines

Explore the realm of medicinal chemistry with a focus on liposomes at CRN in France. The discovery of liposomes more than 60 years ago predicted a paradigm shift in the design and administration of future drugs using nanotechnologies. However, despite their undeniable advantages (e.g., increased biocompatibility, modularity, versatility of payloads, etc.), this vectorization system still suffers from an early loss of their cargo, limiting its popularization in clinics.

Supported in its 1st phase by the Initiative of Excellence (IdEx – Univ Bordeaux; NanoPRECOS project), our group has recently validated a proof of concept to improve the stability of amphiphilic nanoparticles (e.g. liposomes) through a simple and effective approach: we have designed and synthesized bola-amphiphiles as key compounds to be incorporated in amphiphilic drug delivery systems (DDS), like  bolasomes. The current doctoral project aims to optimize the bolas identified previously in the laboratory in order to bring this technology to a clinical application in cancer therapy. Several chemical modifications are to be investigated in order to target: (1) a sustained-drug release (2) a stimuli-triggered drug release (e.g. light, pH, etc.).

The current PhD project (Design of smart SUstained-RElease drug delivery systems: synthesis, characterization and applications in nano-medicines – NANO-SURE) is being developed in collaboration with our national partners (IECB, BRIC – Bordeaux) and international partners (Phospholipid Research Center – Germany).

Application Deadline: April 17, 2024

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This project will be conducted at CBMN (Institute of Chemistry and Biology of Membranes and Nano-objects, Bordeaux). CBMN is a joint research unit of the CNRS, the University of Bordeaux (Science and Technology Department for health), the Institut National Polytechnique Bordeaux and the Bordeaux Science Agro. CBMN has around 200 persons (50% permanent and 50% non-permanent). CBMN is a multidisciplinary institute and operates at the interface between Chemistry, Biology and Physics by hosting 16 research groups organized in four scientific domains.

The research in CBMN is based on the expertise and the development of 7 technological platforms for the production and biophysical characterization of nanomaterials, lipids and proteins (NMR, X-ray, Electron Microscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Vibration Spectroscopies (IR-Raman-PWR), AFM, synthesis and production of recombinant proteins) of very high level associated with CBMN.

The Nano-SURE Project will be driven by the MMB group (Molecular Modeling and Bioengineering), supervisor Dr. Edouard Badarau ( The MMB group is part of the Chemical Biology and Supramolecular Chemistry Department of CBMN, and has expertise in experimental chemistry, biological experiments and molecular simulations.

For further details on the host institution, the candidates are advised to navigate on the CBMN  webpage, at:



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