Research Positions in Epigenetic Regulation of Appetite at UTSouthwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX

Research Positions Available at UTSouthwestern Medical Center – Center for Hypothalamic Research

Study the Epigenetic Regulation of Appetite

Position Levels:

  • Research Tech II
  • Research Assistant I & II
  • Sr. Research Associate
  • Lab Coordinator
  • Postdoc

The Heyward Nutritional and Behavioral Epigenetics Laboratory, located within the Center for Hypothalamic Research at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX, is seeking full-time research personnel for various positions to study the transcriptional and epigenomic regulation of appetite.

About the Lab

The Heyward Lab’s primary mission is to understand how neurotoxic insults, caused by an obesogenic diet and aging, contribute to epigenetically encoded impairments in brain cell types that control appetite and body weight. Our research involves a combination of low-input, cell-type-specific, and single-cell multiomic, genome-wide assessments of gene expression, epigenetic modifications, chromatin accessibility, and transcription factor DNA binding dynamics. We also employ mouse genetic and epigenome engineering tools, in vitro and in vivo transcription factor activation assessments, and animal behavioral assessments.


Qualifications vary by position. All positions will be supervised by Dr. Frankie Heyward and will include participation in lab and journal club meetings.

Techniques Utilized by the Lab

  • SnRNA-seq & snATAC-seq
  • Cell type-specific bulk CUT&RUN, TRAP-seq, ATAC-seq, and ChIP-seq
  • Stereotaxic delivery of viral constructs in the brain to influence gene expression
  • Immunofluorescence to study transcription factor (TF) localization
  • Flow cytometric assessments of TF nuclear occupancy
  • Mouse breeding, husbandry, and behavioral assessments

Ideal Candidates

We are looking for highly motivated individuals interested in pursuing a career in STEM or Medicine, with a commitment to conducting mentored research for more than one year.

Application Process

For inquiries and applications, please reach out to Dr. Frankie Heyward at

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