Several PhD positions in Power Electronics, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), and Power Module Packaging at the University of Florida, USA

Several fully supported Ph.D. research assistant openings for Power Electronics, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), and Power Module Packaging are immediately available at the Power Electronics and Electrical Power Research Lab (PEEPRL), which is directed by Professor Shuo Wang, at the University of Florida.

The University of Florida is the flagship University of the State of Florida and is consistently ranked between the 5th and 6th of the best public Universities across the country. The State of Florida is ranked as the No. 1 of the best locations for living in the nation. PEEPRL is an innovation engine in power electronics, EMI, and security, which is evidenced by the recent 2023 University of Florida Invention of the Year Award, the invited Keynote speech at the International 2024 International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, and the Distinguished Paper Award from IEEE S&P. Professor Shuo Wang is an IEEE Fellow with more than 250 publications in top journals and conferences. He holds more than 30 issued or pending US patents. Dr. Wang is the guest editor, and associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics for WBG power electronics special issue, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, and IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. He is also a Chair of the Power Electronics EMI/EMC Special Committee in the IEEE EMC Society.

The Ph. D. graduate students from PEEPRL have very high reputations in both industries and Universities. PEEPRL’s alumni are playing critical roles in companies such as Apple, Tesla, Amazon, MPS, Dela Electronics, Lucid Motors, etc. PEEPRL’s alumni also hold professor positions in Universities across North America, Europe, and Asia.

All outstanding New or Transferring Ph.D. students are welcome. Please send your resume to at your earliest possible time for the best chance for consideration.


Feature photo credit: Wikipedia

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